

How to report maintenance

To report maintenance issues at Stone Real Estate, kindly enter your phone number in the provided field. Make sure to input the phone number associated with your approved application or the most recently updated number if it has changed since your move-in. A verification code will be sent to you for authentication before you can proceed with reporting the maintenance problem. Once our system verifies you as a tenant of the property, you will be asked a series of questions and provided with troubleshooting suggestions. This step is aimed at resolving the issue promptly. Please ensure that all the necessary information is included to facilitate a quick resolution.

If your maintenance is urgent

In case of urgent maintenance matters occurring after business hours, please follow the same steps mentioned above. Our system will assess the urgency of the situation and promptly dispatch a work order to the appropriate tradesperson. The following list outlines the types of repairs that are considered urgent and require immediate attention:

– Burst water system
– Blocked or broken toilet system
– Serious roof leak
– Gas leak
– Dangerous electrical fault
– Flooding or significant flood damage
– Serious storm or fire damage
– Failure or breakdown of essential services or appliances provided by the owner or agent, such as hot water, water, cooking, heating, or laundering
– Failure or disruption of gas, electricity, or water supply
– Any fault or damage in the premises that poses a safety or security risk
– Malfunctioning appliance, fitting, or fixture causing substantial water wastage
– Severe malfunction in a lift or staircase.

We strive to address all maintenance concerns promptly and efficiently to ensure the safety and satisfaction of our tenants at Stone Real Estate.

If you require urgent repairs, please refer to your lease agreement for a list of tradespeople.