Five Dock

Level 1/111, 112,1/160 - 166 Great North Road

Building: 40 SQM

Rent Contact Agent - Paul Di Mauro

FITNESS | MEDICAL| OFFICE - Affordable Opportunity - Suite 104 - 34 sqm* - Suite 111 & 112 - 55 sqm* - Suite 101 - 35 sqm*

Stone Commercial are proud to Exclusively present For Lease 160 - 166 Great North Road, Five Dock.

Presenting a fantastic Leasing opportunity to join established brands within this Iconic Building. with a variety of commercial / retail spaces.

The Property is positioned along Great North Road, Five Dock one of Sydney's Major Retail precincts commuted by over thousands of vehicular & pedestrian traffic daily, offering consumers the convenience & connectivity to and from all destinations.


- Suite 104 - 34 sqm* commercial space
- Suite 111 & 112 - 55 sqm* commercial space
- Suite 101 - 35 sqm* Commercial space
- Rear access + loading
- Suites can be leased separately or in one line.
- Completely refurbished, with kitchen & amenities
- Flexible lease terms
- Available now

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